The Disappearance of Jay Slater

Published 2024-06-24
From the perspective of Statement Analysis --

All Comments (21)
  • @paulmortal7611
    Last year I took my teenage son to the town where Jay was partying. It's like the wild west. Totally lawless. I was raised in Newcastle Upon Tyne and i know how to party but playa de las Americas is like being in ‘Grand Theft Auto’. Lord knows what he has been involved in.
  • Apparently Lucy Law had visited Tenerife 17 times this year.? I think the Spanish police know there is more to this than a missing person.
  • @teresev1435
    I like to look at the statement from the position of the pronouns. I have come on holiday I was tired from the weekend. I left alone earlier than everyone else because I was tired from the weekend. I woke up to a phone call. He was lost in the mountains. He wasn’t aware of his surroundings. He desperately needed a drink. His phone was on 1%. He had met two people on Sunday night and left with them to go to their apartment. Their apartment was miles from civilization and in a secluded spot… He left at 8am. His last location was… He has no water. He has no coat/suitable clothing. I was looking in the middle of the night. We are all so worried. We just want him home. To me it looks like it’s all about her in the beginning; she distances herself completely from Jay. She looked for him all night, she’s the hero, she did everything right and he’s done everything wrong. It seems like she judges and blames him for the bind and she sees it that he’s gotten himself into this bind—being missing—she points out how he himself went wrong at every turn and then she becomes a sympathetic group of “we …”. We ‘just’ want him home. Very, very manipulative girl here. Peter, if you or one of your people reads this: do I see a shift in referential index here? My grasp of that concept isn’t the best, but it seems to me she stays mostly in the past and then speaks in present tense. Am I right?
  • @janedoh123
    Lucy has more holidays than Judith Chalmers
  • @skye1088
    Interesting that you mentioned Faucis expression of dupers delight, Matt Hancock (the UK health secretary in 2020) was exactly the same
  • @lisabowie4040
    I'm in Britain and been WAITING on you or pat brown to discuss this ..thanks so much x
  • @CaitrionaW
    I think the answer to this is with the two men Jay stayed with the night of the rave. If he had had enough of the rave he could have simply gone back to his digs to crash and straighten up, and there was no mention of an after party having been proposed. He went there, with those guys for a reason and though it all seemed like a good idea at the time I think that by morning he knew that he needed to leave. I’m guessing no one offered to run him to his accommodation so he decided to take the bus/walk. Nor did anyone offer to phone him a taxi. Either way he headed off, and fast if the lady who saw him leaving is to believed. This suggests to me he wanted out of there, away from those two guys and to put distance between himself and them. Maybe something unpleasant happened in the hours between 0300 and 0730, who knows? Maybe he stole something and wanted out of there asap, maybe drugs were bought or sold, maybe something sexual happened, but for one reason or another Jay obviously felt he couldn’t rely on these two or go back to the house once the bus had left and needed to get moving. This may be why he didn’t stick to the main road. Maybe he thought that at some point these guys would come looking for him, again, it’s just a thought. We have all been young, and no one makes the wisest choices when they’re loaded up on booze and pills, but I think the gaining distance from these guys is significant. I believe these men may have come looking for Jay later in the day and found him. They might be the people photographed or seen near the church and if so I think they took him and that from that point on Jay was in trouble. They had a hire car by all accounts and Jay could well be anywhere. Don’t @ me with ‘amateur detective stuff’ I’m just a mum, with her head full of ‘what would it be like to have a son go missing’ ideas, and a recollection of what it is to be young.
  • @janedoh123
    Notice that the location screenshot from jay to Lucy is not showing up as him in the contact circle showboat on the map Obviously this was not a live location but it is not showing the time and date or network and battery life which would be there on a screenshot if you took a screenshot of your location Try it out yourself Why would he have time to crop it all out on 1% She also tells ( me anyway) that she knows where ( or is unknowingly revealing that she knew the people who he went with) to pick him up from and told him to go back there even though she asked for his location and it shows he’s in the middle of a field almost). She is up to her neck in this and she is trying to save her own life potentially
  • @SeaShoreAnnie
    I don’t believe Lucy is guilty of being involved in causing physical harm to Jay but her language appeared to me to be showing that her first priority was self preservation rather than concern for her friends immediate welfare. Did she say to Jay “Stay there, I’m coming to get you?” Then what changed her mind? She did not go & get him, she phoned the police. A thought she had resulted in her not going to find her friend who was distressed. Personally, I would have driven up there & if I couldn’t find him then I would call the police. She then set up a Go Fund me so was her priority creating a story & money? I don’t know. Annie
  • hopfully you read this comment, there is a new (strange late info) interview with a friend of Jay Slater who after 12 days suddenly tells in a interview that he recieved snapshots from Jay after he was missing the first night..hopefully you want to analyze that interview Thank you
  • @LizzieMc
    I love your channel Peter, especially Madeline McCann analysis . You are amazing👏🇬🇧
  • @ethers666
    None of that storytelling needed to be on the GFM page. Just that he had gone missing and the reason she wanted to raise the funds, eg. For help to search for the family to fly out, to pay for flyers or posters to be printed, yet she chose to highlight her own movements in that night.
  • @carlyqualters39
    I believe Lucy and Brad left Jay alone. I don’t know if you have watched the videos of Jay at the festival and saw how wasted he was. I believe the 2 men were strangers who helped Jay when they discovered he was on his own and possibly in a mess. I find it very suspicious how Brad is not mentioned even tho he was supposedly still with Jay when Lucy left ‘alone’. There’s some voice notes from Brads Mum I would love to see your view on those especially because Lucy claimed to be the last person to speak to Jay on the phone but then Rachel, Brads Mum, claims he was the last to speak to him.
  • @lotusflower8
    Thanks so much, Peter. I appreciate your insight. Just an aside... I don't use my real name when I'm on social media. It's a matter of privacy, and it feels safer.
  • @susan-hp5id
    Why did we have to read Lucy's alibi before we found out a man is missing? What is her first priority? Herself.
  • @snoozygirl468
    It struck me as odd that Jay’s mum didn’t say Lucy’s name or refer to her as Jay’s friend. She talks about the call the ‘ last person he made contact with’. Her volume lowers and her voice almost trails off too. Struck me that she didn’t see Lucy as a close friend or didn’t know her well or didn’t like her. Seemed very distancing language to me.
  • @dewebdal6419
    With his 1% he could have sent his exact location and wait there for help to come
  • @BassBoss101
    Peter you were right again! There's footage of a beach fight involving Jay with Lucy the night before he dissapeared. The GoFundMe should cover the cost of the stolen Rolex. I'd swear there's duping delight in that Mother's face!