10 Things Your Labor Nurse Wants You to Pack in Your Hospital Bag

Published 2019-09-24

All Comments (21)
  • @livmm947
    Bring something that makes you feel at home... my dog? 😂
  • @mamajama9987
    You remind me of Drew Barrymore in “50 First Dates”. 👍🏼
  • 1. Comforts from home (to make you feel at home, calm and comfy) 2. High protein snacks 3. Essentials bag (e.g eye drops, contacts, hair tie, chapstick) 4. Electronics, headphones and chargers (long cable) 5. Nursing bra with closure (not overhead) 6. Clothes for mama (light robe, cardigan, nursing cami) and going home outfit 7. Waterproof sandals 8. Toiletries 9. Going home outfit for baby 10. Props for pictures
  • From my personal experience. Bring a few things. Literally a few. 1. 1 pair of night clothes or a night gown. I was naked giving birth and wore a night gown the rest of the time after I took my first shower after the birth. 2. Flipflops or tennis shoes and socks. Flip flops if its summer. Tennis shoes if its winter. Socks to keep your feet warm. 3. Going home outfit for you and baby. 4. Toiletries. Bring a travel sized shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. And deodorant. Tooth brush/tooth paste. 5. Snacks and drinks. Any snacks. Anything you and whoever's staying with you likes to eat or drink. Bring enough for 3 days. (The hospital provides meals and drinks, but sometimes you are just thirsty or hungry right in that second.) 6. If you plan to bottle feed for either personal or medical reasons, bring a few cases of the already proportioned infant formula bottles. Just do it. They are on the breast is best thing in hospitals and they DO NOT want to give you any bottles or help you bottle feed in any way. They just dont. Both of my children were born tongue tied and that would have been EXTREMELY helpful to know the first time I went through that. 7. Phones, chargers, and if you like to watch Netflix/whatever bring something to watch it on. 8. Bring your (positive) toughest mindset and attitude. There are nurses and doctors that are great and have a wonderful bedside manner. But there are some that will pressure you to do things that you dont want to do. Dont let them get to you. If it's not nessecary and you dont want to do it, then dont. I wish I had someone to tell me that before I started having babies. Stick to your gut. Stick to your guns. This day is about you and your baby. Period. 9. Bring extra things for your baby that they will not provide you in the hospital. Ex: gas drops, diaper rash cream, baby lotion. A lot of baby products come in travel size. Anything that you think your baby might need, bring it. Because you probably wont need any of it. But if you do, especially if your a first time mom, and you need it, you'll have it. The main priority is to keep that baby comfortable and well taken care of and you and your partner sane. They may look at you like your crazy, but dont let it discourage you. Be prepared so that you don't get blindsided by something that could have been avoided. 10. Bring whatever you want to help you get through. Something comfortable, something to make it feel more like home, something to help YOU. You are about to go through birth and just thinking about it can feel traumatic. One thing that's going to help you feel a little comfy like a robe or pillow or a blanket or your fuzzy house slippers. Just trust me. You're going to feel out of control for a little while and sometimes, you just need something to cling to. And last but not least. Have people present for the birth of your child that are there to support YOU AND YOUR PARTNER. If you choose to have visitors. You want the most important people in your life supporting you, lifting you up, believing in you. If they aren't there to do that, then they dont need to be there. Dont have selfish people stealing precious memories from you, your baby, and the people you love on the most important day of your life. If you dont want someone there, you have every right to tell them not to come.
  • Can you please do a “bring/don’t bring” during this covid thing, I’m due any day now and so nervous!
  • I just wanted to share I had the best labor nurse ever. I went into preterm labor back in August I was 35 weeks. My nurse's name was Beth, sweetest and most attentive nurse I've ever had. I didn't have my baby at that point thankfully. I went back in at 37 weeks and had to be induced due to preeclampsia, and guess what, I had Beth again! She let me hold onto her and squeeze when I had to get my epidural (contractions were very bad at that point and the anesthesiologist kept messing it up) She helped me so much when it came time to pushing, she had such a calm demeanor that really helped me push through my asthma attacks. I just remember being close to passing out when she put the oxygen on and she looked me in my eyes and let me know I was so close to keep going. Beth was amazing. 😊
  • @brttnyleo
    After I had my second all I wanted were these delicious fresh fried donuts that are made locally so my mom got me a half dozen. My nurses asked me if I ate any “real” food when they saw them on my night stand. I mean they weren’t mean but seriously?! I just pushed out a 9lb 5oz baby with absolutely no medication and it was back labor. So don’t judge me on my food selection. It was pure comfort. I didn’t care about the nutrition.
  • the night before I went into labor me and my fiance were watching this and packing my hospital bag you are such a lifesaver the nurses and everyone that worked there said I was the most prepared
  • @jazzmouse3576
    I just found out I’m pregnant today, I’ve been watching you for a while so now all the things you talk about will be put to use!
  • @victoriacasey
    I brought my own Always disposable underwear. They were so much more comfortable and you couldn't tell I was even wearing a "diaper" under my clothes. I also brought my own flushable wipes that I just threw away instead of flushing such a large quantity. I loved having my own supplies right there in the bathroom and not having to worry about running out and having to bother my nurses or CNAs for help. Totally not a must have but definitely something I recommend to everyone.
  • The bra suggestion. THANK YOU. who are these crazy people who think we want removable pads in our bras?!
  • You literally couldn’t be the more perfect person to have as a labor nurse! I’m so jealous of everyone who is lucky enough to have you. :) I’m due in early January with my first. Love watching you and your sunny personality!
  • For me the “comfort” items were those 5$ travel sized bottles of: body spray, body wash, and moisturizer from bath and body works. I used the Moonlit path scent, which is light. This made me feel more human after giving birth. A quick shower with the body wash, a spray, a little lotion, deodorant, my own panties, and comfy clothes. No make up, just some chapstick hair tied in a pony tail. 👍🏼
  • @LaNa-vx1gp
    I’m 8 weeks pregnant and although everything is going great with pregnancy right now, we did have a traumatic miscarriage 4 months ago. Your videos are truly helping me keep my mind from wondering this pregnancy! I’m so glad I stumbled upon on your channel- thank you so much!
  • @For_What
    Im bringing nothing but leaving with everything. Mwahahahahahah! Lol
  • @sarahflynn9395
    I am 27 weeks right now with my second. I cannot stress enough...bringing always discreet or depends or whatever adult diaper instead of underwear!!! No mess cleaning, no worries, throw it out when you're done with them. Life saver. No laundry lol. Also, little long sleeve gowns for baby. Those make diaper changes so easy, and keep baby warm.
  • @sagebowyer5400
    When my son was born, I discovered that the hospital bed had a built in USB port for charging phones.
  • This is honestly really comforting. I am to have my first baby in April and I have never even really been around pregnant women nor have I had talks about anything that comes with it even from those who have already had kids. It's nice to know I don't have to freak out over every little thing which so far has included what I should consider in a hospital bag. I appreciate that you take the time to give information that most first time mom's wouldn't think of because we're so focused on having the baby and not the steps in between getting pregnant and giving birth. "Small" things such as what to pack in the hospital bag tends to get overlooked quite a bit, that or we overthink it and bring the whole house with us. It's nice to know we can keep it simple but necessary and ideal for comfort.
  • @eg0death247
    Yeah that Esmeralda pillow is EVERYTHING 💜