The Twelve Labors of Hercules - The Quest for Phat Loot! - Greek - Extra Mythology - Part 1

Published 2019-11-18
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Hercules (or Herakles in the Greek) needed to atone for killing his entire family so the gods did what the gods do best and gave him a quest: serve his cousin for 12 years. Shouldn't be too difficult. But his cousin was a terrible DM and created 10 impossible tasks for Hercules to complete. This first part covers the first five of the Herculian tasks (and some of the sick treasures Hercules uncovers along the way)

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♪ Music: "Extra Mythology Theme" by Big Giant Circles

All Comments (21)
  • @KaiserAfini
    Heracles: I was tricked by Hera into serving the gods. Kratos: I was tricked by Ares into serving the gods. Heracles: Want to fight me for my lion head boxing gloves ? Kratos: Works for me.
  • Hey, you forgot the best part of the tasks. The tasks weren't all given at once. They were made up on the spot. Not only were they made up, but they were told from a bronze pithos in the floor that the king hid in because he was terrified of every single monster and artifact heracles brought into the poor guy's castle. Oh, and the tasks weren't based on time. They were based on number. There were supposed to be 7. This poor king, shivering in his bunker at this almighty demigod had to tell heracles that his tasks didn't count because he got help not once, not twice, but three times.
  • @paschal4437
    So Heracles kicked a crab so hard he gave the sky Cancer!
  • @gholtorf
    Heracles: Flies into a rage and kills everyone he loves. Heracles Nephew: You know, suddenly I'm glad you don't like me that much. Heracles: Shut up and drive my chariot.
  • The crab that became the consteallation must have been a cousin of Tamatoa. He'd also rather be shiny.
  • @extrahistory
    We went for the greek pronunciation of Herakles because we're using the greek version of the myths and not the slightly tweaked Roman version. But since spell check is insisting that Herakles is not a real word, we decided to still title the episode Hercules, the Roman (and much more popular) spelling. THANKS ANCIENT ROME (And Disney but I still love some of those musical numbers so I'm just gonna give them a pass) - A
  • @jackybg95
    Hercules: “I have an Intelligence of 3. I know what I’m doing”
  • Spoiler Alert: The DM is gonna call shenanigans on two of the labors
  • @kennymartin5976
    Man, Mythological heros are always much bigger jerks than their Disney counterparts.
  • @wat1614
    I just realize that logically Heracles did not cared about his nephew since he was not included in the “killed everyone he loved”
  • @Loremastrful
    Chiron: I was once a great hero like you Then I took an arrow to the knee.
  • @brycevo
    Heracles and the quest for loot sounds like a typical MMO day or DnD sesh
  • @Xenobears
    Come on, we all know Heracles’ INT stat would be well above a 3. He kept coming up with clever solutions to his problems. His WIS stat would be a 3, reflecting his inability to make a will save.
  • I belive you would put cattle under "treasure" assumeing they are useing 5e and the standard sheet.
  • @DFloyd84
    Heracles blasted through the quests so quickly that he left the DM scrambling for content. DM decided that two of his labours didn't count because he had help and came up with two more.
  • @ASLTheatre
    So that explains Scar’s Easter Egg in Hercules.
  • @SeporiBowi
    Dark Souls' hydra in Ash Lake surrounded by crabs. From always showing prowess in all aspects of their games.
  • @Shemps1007
    I appreciate that they’re calling him Heracles since were talking about the Greek hero, not his Roman counterpart