UPDATES (pt.2)

Published 2024-03-23
HI HI!!! Just here to update some stuff!!!
First of all HELLO! ! uhh it's been a bit since I've last posted (like 2 months woopsie) but it's because scratch hasn't been my main priority! I've been hit with a lot of schoolwork these past few weeks but it's spring break now (thank goodness)), so I'll have some time to myself!!

As for things I'm working on,:
I'm still working on the DTA results and hope to have them finished in a week or so!! I want to finish them during my spring break so stay tuned for that!

I'm working on a collab with @AxoLo-Fi !!!!! I'm really excited for it and I won't go into too much detail because we're keeping it private until it's somewhat finished, but it's going to be an AMV !!!

Other things::
THANK U SM FOR 11k !!!!!
This was a huge surprise for me lol!! I was so happy when i found out!! ^U^^ Idk if I'll do anything because of what I'm working on but if you want to see any kind of content from me please let me know!! I'm open to suggestions and I wanna make stuff people want to see from me!! :DD

I've been doing a lot of art in school n such so I will probably make a showcase of it once the year is over!! I've been drawing a lot more humans lol

As for projects and stuff I may join a map here or there or post a personal project (like an art dump maybe) when I can but my main priorities are above!! ^^
If you have any questions feel free to ask!!
I might make a Q&A sometime !!