Mysterious Designs || FF

Published 2024-02-17
WARNING: This project includes a somewhat creepy character design that might make some audience uncomfortable. The project is not inherently scary, but the character design might be a little disturbing!

More redesigns!

This time I am redesigning the main villain of Fortune Fowl, the Space Witch.

She is my favorite character in Fortune Fowl. I am a huge sucker for sadistic pure evil villains that act cute, harmless, or otherwise charming.

I put her full human ref in this project. If you liked their more bright colorscheme from before, don't worry. You still haven't seen her full Witch form...

I also designed Captain Robert Bluestreak. At least as he was before going missing at sea almost eight years ago...

Robert "Robbie" Bluestreak
- he/him
- approx 50 yrs (in flashback version)
- bisexual
- Special Skills/abilities: sword fighting, storytelling, general pirateness, ???

Liminal "Limi"
- she/they
- ???
- pansexual
- Special Skills/abilties: teleportation, ???

song is The Red Means I Love You
(It matches Limi very well...)

as always fanart, fanfiction, theories, etc are all greatly encouraged and appreciated :D