sketch vs final art: ggx edition, bABY

Published 2024-02-18
Art belongs to the art page, and hopefully game developers in future games can care a bit more to simply not use the #art tag in future games. :]
all art made in krita! i sware i only use simple brushes guys, round brush, ink-4 rough brush, and airbrush. >:[
(Altho I do have to say, the magic lasso tool is also a big help in "brushwork"...)
song is "tell me" by kanii!

#JUSTICEFORTHEARTPAGE #art #all #trending #ggx #gamegirlx #sketch #anime #oc #TheUnknownz #EMIRSUPREMACY #spidernoir #acrossthespiderverse #hollowknight #quirrel #tiso #IrisKnight