GBA MHA Ranking

Published 2023-05-30
Check hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
Toga, simply because she is my waifu.
Endeaver is actually very good, the beatdown can stop any moves, with pretty good knockback, and also a wide range of ranged attack, it is a very solid character.
Awakened Shigaraki, bro got you dying with a few touches, and the decaying time lasts long, while high damage dealing. Also has a inf range stun move. Bro got high dmg, stuns, and a good awakening that buffs health, what can I say.
All might, my man, you don't need skill for him to bust all the enemies bro.
Overhaul, He is cool, and he actually can last quite long against strong characters, as he have very good long range skills, that does huge knockback, while a wide range of skills, and also having a good awakening, and it gives you a aoe to keep enemies out! How thoughtful is overhaul. Bros a tank.
All for one, i will say bro is good, but simply just health based, and well, if without the quirk switch your skills mostly are mid. Tbh, long windup. If quirk switched, different story, high dmg, it totally covered the windup as Npcs are idiots. But it simply isnt as amazing, for that the quirk disable doesn't land, and just makes opponents run.
All might, basically just a nerfed version bruh, why does prime all might even exist bro.
Bakugo, it has insane damage believe or not, but just not enough for those monsters with 600 or above health. He can clip out around 500 of your health with a few combos and some running (Did I mention it is the best runner character?) and awakening, but that really is what it is worth. But for that damage, it does take some skills in timing when to use your skills, for escaping and knockbacks.
Dabi, the same with Bakugo, takes less skill, but it is only staying on the little heroes league, it cannot knock on the door of monsters. He have ok damage, a alright awakening, buffs some damages, i think the glowup is how it just lets the opponent stay in the fire for eternity until ded if you combo right.
Both dekus are a beast, I mean, the shoot style just one shots ok, but the other? Yea....They kinda look bad, right? But let me tell you, just simply using E and G Does over a hundred prob, and then the Dark hero on the other hand, great potentiel, I would comment it as a funner and harder bakugo, if you use the black whips wisely? It is even better than Shotos ice.
Unawakened shigaraki, man.... He uh, hes alright, he is kinda a runner character, the deal is, the E and R is real good, but thats it. The other have so long windup, and can be stopped, while the damage aint that great. And as a runner it have no running skills, so uh, good luck with that.

Real skill based characters:
Shoto, he really sucks at my first few matches, but slowly I get it, I even beat dabi, believe or not, he have a couple skills, you just need to ice him before he does anything, then ice him, then maybe add some fire, gamble a bit, hope that he is still stunned, awaken, and then just keep using all your moves, slowly, but consistently, to use shoto well, you need to know your opponents well, and time everything, but then it will give you relaxing dubs.
Uravity, never used, lol, but she does have good potentiel of making inf combos.
Hero killer, bro is insane, the little cooldowns, the speed, the quirk, everything is insane, even the character himself is inane, but that makes him a beast, if with the right mastery, a monster like the other ones, and even being the king.
Toga, ok shes actually good, she is like hero killer, but faster, she is a character based on speed, so fast that basically all might kinda speedy, you get it? And then she can just R slash you, and then maybe stun you, then stab you, idk, but hundreds of health is going away pretty fast.