Comment animations

Published 2023-08-25
All art and coding by me (@smoo_dog)
Animation ideas by: @Wilchimp, @LindenLaughs, @An_Avocado_Animator, @Aqua_Panda13

Sounds used:
Bee buzzing sound:
Harp sound effect:
Intense riser sound effect:

So how much time did it take me to make this whole thing? I made a chart of all the times I worked on this.

Thursday (May 25th, 2023) 3:30 - 8:30 PM (5 hours)

Friday (May 26th, 2023) 11:20 - 11:41 AM (21 min)

Saturday (May 27th, 2023) 8:00 - 10:00 AM (2 hours)