Art study

Published 2023-02-25
look here :D
do semi-realsim? joi this studio!

800: follower! @Marnie-Chan_OwO

oh gosh this is outdated TvT

just another art study, I will start to draw semi- realism ughhhhhh, welp don't compare the two XD, my colors are wayyyyyy faded and she is chubbbbyyyyy. this was a study on sam does arts. and u should go follow him on instagram and sub on youtube.

He is the one that inspired me to do semi-realism so I will try XD. thanks!
art: me and sam does arts
music: from some anime forgot the name 0-0
code: me and colorsnatch!!

Thanks again!
#All #Art #ArtStudy #SamDoesArts #illustration