A History

Published 2023-02-13

  ✦ Vectorii — A History

— What's in this project:
  Discover my full history of nearly 6 years on
  Scratch, including numerous, long awaited
  account reveals.

— Why did I share this project?
  I don't really have a use for all my alts anymore.
  I haven't left Scratch yet, but as you can see
  I've been pretty inactive. It's a project I needed
  to make before I'm gone. It's also for me to
  look back and remember the memories I've
  made on this website.

— Do I have any other accounts?
  I've revealed all my accounts in this project,
  but no promises I won't create more in the
  future. But that's a secret :p

— What's going to happen to my accounts?
  I won't be using most of my alts anymore
  so they'll go fully (officially) inactive. I'll
  probably upload a lot of the illustrations
  from these accounts to Dribbble etc.

  Feel free to ask questions in the comments!

  Music: Debussy - Arabesque

  I've tried to be as accurate as possible while
  recalling and summarizing my history, but
  there may still be mistakes and/or other
  various errors.