-Extensions- DTIYS + QNA 1k Special

Published 2022-12-11
QNA Section:
Question And Answer
No inappropriate questions
I’m NOT obligated (forced) to answer your questions if I feel uncomfortable
Don’t ask any personal questions
Don’t spam me with questions

Q: What drawing program do you use?
A: I use Procreate on iPad

Q: How long have you been drawing for?
A: I started digital about 3 years ago

Q: Who inspires you?
A: Lavendertowne and Samdoesarts and some people on pin and scratch

Q: What is your favorite animal?
A: Lizards and cats :D

Q: How to art?
A: Lots of experience and watching art videos. Saying "practice" is very vague but its the truth. But you cant just draw 5 times a day and expect to be better by the end of the week. It comes from looking at others artists, noticing details that you like about their art and attempting to incorporate them into your own.

Q: Do you have any pets?
A: Two dogs, two cats, and a lizard

#qna #qanda #q&a