Scratch OS 4.0.41

Published 2022-11-19
Credit to SEGA for the music in ScratchTube
Credit to Toby Fox for the music in Music.
Patch Notes
Minor 4.0.41
Changed update logs to patch notes.
Minor 4.0.4
More errors now pop up. It is now possible to get a double bluescreen and have errors on it. Just making it clear that its intentional now.
Minor 4.0.31
Fixed bug where the tail disappears when shutting down.
Minor 4.0.3
Made changes to Cat's News dance.
Minor 4.0.2
Booting no longer takes long.
Shutting down no longer takes long.
Minor 4.0.1
Errors now don't dissappear
Added blue screen of death.
added minescratch... wait this pc isn- AAAAAA
Added better graphics.
Time is now real time.
Megalovania instead of xylophone music in the Music app.
Different ScratchTube music.
ScratchTube now has a description.
Added which isn't a virus (I promise.)
Added shutting down.
Better menubar.
Better loading screen.
Better logo.
Changed wallpaper.
Different art style.