✨Flaws✨ Parts 1, 2 and 3

Published 2023-04-02

(MAP Parts 1, 2 and 3)



• Green flag to start, click it multiple times or else it will lag
• Full-screen mode gives you best quality.

This MAP is about autism so I animated it with my character Ryssai, an autistic dragon. Ryssai likes stargazing, plants and flowers, and the seaside. Her best friend is Blue, an energetic purple dragon with ADHD. A gold infinity symbol is featured multiple times in the animation, as that's the symbol for autism.

April is Autism Awareness/Acceptance Month! You can WEAR RED on 2nd April to show support for the autistic community.

Before anyone complains in the comments: the MAP doesn't intend to call autism a "flaw". The "flaw" is metaphorical, referring to how we're often excluded, our autistic traits looked down upon and our talents overlooked. This MAP is about autistic people lifting eachother up, and about accepting us for who we are rather than trying to "fix" us. :))

More detailed explanation for anyone who's curious:

Part 1 -
"When all of your flaws, and all of my flaws"
The thought bubble with a gold infinity symbol inside it indicates that Ryssai is autistic.
"Are laid out one by one"
Memories flash through Ryssai's brain as she now makes sense of her experiences from before she knew she was autistic. Other dragons couldn't understand her and Ryssai couldn't figure out why they didn't like her. She thought it might be her fault.

Part 2 -
"The wonderful part of the mess that we've made"
Ryssai meets Blue and discovers he's different too. Blue thinks differently from Ryssai - he has ADHD - but he accepts and supports Ryssai for who she is, because he's had similar experiences of being misunderstood. They become good friends.
"We pick ourselves undone"
Ryssai and Blue are stargazing together which pans upwards to reveal a night sky. A star constellation forms an infinity symbol. This part represents the infinite possibilities of the autism spectrum and autistic people, as well as how Ryssai's interests are connected to her being autistic (autism is part of her identity). Many autistic people are out there and we're a natural part of this world, but when we're not connected we might feel alien or alone.

Part 3 -
"All of my flaws and all of your flaws"
Ryssai talks to Blue about space and the stars and the moon which Blue loves because he's a space dragon, and Ryssai loves because it's one of her special interests.
Blue gives Ryssai a sunflower because Ryssai likes plants and flowers and Blue likes exploring and finding people little gifts. The sunflower relates to autism because it represents hidden disabilities. Autism is a hidden disability. Ryssai is finally able to recognise this in herself and accept herself for it.
"They lie there hand in hand"
Together, Ryssai and Blue have found confidence to be different, not less. "Different Not Less" is a mantra coined by Temple Grandin, a famous autistic person. It means we have just as much to offer to the world as anyone else, and deserve just as much as anyone else. We are different and that's beautiful.




Animation - me (@-Squiggle)
MAP hosted by @Shaydie_the_Unifox
Music - Flaws by Bastille (uploaded and split into parts by @Shaydie_the_unifox)
Inspiration - my experiences as an autistic person, other people's parts
Other - I drew all art in the Scratch bitmap editor (using a digital art tablet). the characters are Ryssai and Blue (both belong to me).



I actually wasn't gonna finish this originally, but I did I did I did anyway and it's not perfect but at least I finished it
aaaaaaaa akdfslfsdjdafjdh this entire MAP is so cool I'm so happy I'm so excited aaaaaaa

I'm aware of all the mistakes, but I'm really tired and I wanna share this so ehh. I'm still proud of myself

A ❤️ or ⭐ would be much appreciated <3



⠀Autism Awareness / Acceptance Month studio
⠀Autism Q&A
⠀Neuro-Squiggles: ND Voices
⠀All my ND-related content



#ActuallyAutistic #AutismAcceptance #AutismAwareness #RedInstead #DifferentNotLess #AutismPride #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #AutisticAndProud
#Autism #Autistic #ASD #ASC #Disability #Disorder #Neurodivergent #Neurodiversity #Diversity #Animations #Art #Stories #Squiggle #Squi


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