Contest entry (5th and final entry)

Published 2022-08-14
Thanks to @captainflufball for the gd editor

The level isn't really meant to have music sync because of the green pad being used, the music is just meant to go with the theme of the level. I still tried to kind of make it sync but it might not XD
Story: You are a ninja that has been battling a villain named Sairentokirā (which translates to "the silent killer" in English from Japanese) for many years. You find out that Sairentokirā plans to end you once and for all and rule the world, and so you sense that this will be the final battle: Good (you) vs Evil (Sairentokirā). Before you can battle him, you have to use you stealth, strength, and speed to infiltrate his lair and defeat all of his henchmen. You know that Sairentokirā is weak from your last battle and that he is relying on his henchmen to defeat you (he is still strong enough to defeat you himself, but you have an edge against him). Once you get to where Sairentokirā is hiding, you will defeat him once and for all and save the world, but if you die, he will win and rule the world for all eternity.