Proud ❤️ An Original Song for Pride Month <3

Published 2022-06-27

Note: Guys, please. No homophobia, no transphobia, no nothing. This is obviously a song supporting the LGBTQIA+ Community. You can see that from the thumbnail. If you don’t support the queer community, why are you even here? And if you really have to be here, please keep your feelings to yourself. There are a lot of people out there who relate to this. Just because you’re not one of them doesn’t give you the right to act like you know anything about them. Just because someone is queer doesn’t mean they’re any different from you. They’re just being true to themselves. That’s what we all want, isn’t it?

To the people who are still being homophobic/transphobic: Look. I get you don’t support this. But do you really have to post a comment telling everyone how much you hate us? Would it hurt you to think twice and keep your thoughts to yourself? Scratch is a coding website meant to promote kindness. By posting your homophobic/transphobic comments, you are NOT being kind. You are hurting people’s feelings. How would you like it if someone came along and started telling you they didn’t support you being straight/cis, telling you that who you were didn’t matter? Say you were a guy who goes by he/him pronouns. What if someone came along and told you you are supposed to be a girl, and started labeling you as one? That’s what it feels like when you tell trans people that their pronouns and gender are invalid. What if you were a straight girl, and someone told you you should only be dating girls, and that dating a guy was disgraceful, even though you only had feelings for guys? How would that make you feel? That is what you are doing by posting these comments. You are invalidating their right to be who they are. You are invalidating their right to love. Do you want to be responsible for that? I didn’t think so.

Song - Me
Singing - Me
Piano - Me

This song goes out to anyone hiding themself, or anyone who’s out and proud of it! We shouldn’t ever have to hide who we are! <3

I just want to say: if you are a trans person and listening to this song I would just like to apologize. I really dislike the way I wrote the trans part of the verse, and tried multiple times to rewrite it but nothing came. Please, PLEASE do not take offense, and I really am sorry. (If any of you think of something better to insert there to be less possibly offensive, please let me know! I don’t know if I would be able to re-record but I could at least change the written lyrics <33) Sorry again!! :’)