driving near wheat field

Published 2022-05-17
17.05.2022 release.
18.05.2022 "thunderstorm update" car remodel and better wheat texture.
Added thunderstorm! After 30 seconds the thunderstorm will appear. Added green/red/blue/orange car crashing effect. Changed car/coca cola car/police car spawn from -100 to 100 y to -150 to 150 y. Changed thumbnail.
19.05.2022 some fixes and green/red/blue/orange car crashing effect remodel. New car animation if you are in thunderstorm (water near wheels). New police car animation.
25.05.2022 added cement car! Same as coca cola car.
01.06.2022 some changes.
02.06.2022 added coca cola! Not car but spawns after 10 seconds of driving.
05.06.2022 some changes.
12.07.2022 added pedals! With them you can move in mobile device.