Uhh okay so the last piece...

Published 2021-06-23
Click the flag TWICE or more; fullscreen isn't recommended because I never watch projects fullscreen and I think they just lag XD

Okay, so if you didn't know, I have siblings, and so FOR PEOPLE OUT THERE WITH SIBLINGS, I hope you will find it relatable somewhat, otherwise I'm going to be jealous-

Basically the food can be anything, like avocadoes, cake, and rice. Drinks included, actually- not just food. I always ask my siblings if they want the last piece and basically hOPe that none of them say that they want it so I can eat it all by myself, but 90% of the times they say yes soooooooo yeah. -_- As more people in my family raise their hands saying they want a share, my original share shrinks and shrinks aaaaaaaaa hMph! >:c

Shoutout to @CherriCookie (ty for sending joy emojis and xD's whenever i tell you my stories XD), @bluestem (ty blug for misspelling my name when saying hi LOL), and @HehtorOCH (ty for your creative japanese combo word that i will never forget HAHA) for being chill and awesome (shoutout to the gc us x'D)
Okay and nowww the embarrassing part, if you've noticed.

For pies, we use 'slice' instead of 'piece', right?

Apparently my brain couldn't function at the time properly and IGNORED that part until I FINISHED making the animation X'D So please forgive me for using the wrong word. I wasn't planning on making the food apple pie, but something else, which was the reason why I used 'piece' in the first place.

Okay well I'm too lazy to fix it; it's alright- everyone makes mistakes right aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so embarrassing lol

Oh whatever; no one knows me irl hehe ay ;'D
If you read this, comment: #sliceofpie so next time my brain will function better and remember that I have to say SLICE instead of PIECE XD

Okay and I wasn't really sure whether the phrases "third it" and "quarter it" are used in English since I usually just say "halve it" lol; if they're wrong, sorry about that and let's just accept the fact that my English is very broken sometimes.

Time taken: more than 1 second but less than a year.

- My mom and siblings for voice acting (and me too lol); my siblings' names aren't Kara or Eriko- I literally just googled girl names lol
- Otome Game no Hametsu Flag (I can't write the full name because Scratch apparently thinks it's a bad word? x'D)
- Because of You - Baek Ji Young
- Brand New Story by Generations from Exile Tribe <3 (go watch Ride Your Wave! <33 it's a great movie imo and the song literally gives me summer vibes omgggg ~ oh and TWICE's new song, Alcohol Free is sooo good too, go listen to it if you have time haha)

#relatable #animations

EDIT: Dang #28 on the explore page...I shared this at 10 PM last night and now it's 11 AM sooo xD
EDIT: Top Loved on June 26, thank you!