RESULTS 1k Sprite Contest! ▹▸

Published 2021-04-19
Here's the results project for my 1k Sprite Contest that ended not too long ago!!

It was kind of rushed so I just used the same formatting as my contest project haha

Also, there are probably some good entries that I missed, so I'm sorry if you're not in here!

If I got your name wrong in the corner, please tell me in the comments and I'll fix it! Sometimes I get all mixed up because there were so many entries :D

I also saw a lot of some specific sprites, like Tera and the space pals. It's super interesting to see which sprites people choose :D

The prizes are in the contest too, but I'll put them here for clarity's sake. If you got a commission, please tell me what you would like!

Here's the project that I put the finished prizes in, for all the winners who got an art prize -

Honorable Mentions - a love and fav on your contest entry. I don't favorite ANY projects, so all your beautiful entries will show up at the top of my profile :D

6-10th place - 3 follows (from this account and my two other ones) +love and fav on your entry

4th and 5th place - a shoutout on my profile +3 follows +love and fav on your entry

3rd place - a little doodle or an icon +a shoutout +3 follows +love and fav on your entry

2nd place - a full body sketch OR a colored bust +a little doodle +a shoutout +3 follows +love and fav on your entry

1st place - a fully colored piece, including background or a realistic art piece based on a picture +a little doodle +a shoutout +3 follows +love and fav on your entry

Thanks for this amazing contest experience :D

xx Nera