CLOSED 1k Sprite Contest! ▹▸

Published 2021-03-03


Woww, it's been a while since I've hosted a contest. I recently reached some follower milestones, so I've decided to finally do it ;D

This is a Scratch Sprite Contest!! Just redraw ANY of the preset scratch sprites, you can use any program you want, including traditional supplies.

1. Don't steal.
2. Be nice. That includes being nice to yourself!
3. Include the original Scratch sprite/background in the project!!
4. The only entries that count are the ones that are REMIXES of THIS PROJECT.
5. ANYONE CAN JOIN, please don't ask me that!
6. It DOES NOT count if the entry is just a recolored version or a slightly edited version of the original sprite. You have to start with a blank screen (from scratch, if you will), otherwise, you're disqualified.

1. If the sprite is some kind of animal, you can redraw it as a person, and vice versa.
2. You can also redraw as many sprites/backgrounds as you want, whether they be together in the same image or in separate pieces. They should all go in the same project, too.
3. You can also change them up!! A different pose, a slightly different design, just make sure I know what the original looked like. These kinds of things will give you creativity points!
4. Please put your entry in the thumbnail, it makes it much easier to see all the entries at once :D (Especially because my computers are so slow :D)
5. You can use any medium: traditional (that means not digital), Scratch, another online program, as long as it's YOUR art.

PRIZES (probably)
Honorable Mentions: a love and a fave on their projects on multiple accounts.
3rd Place: a doodle or an icon or something, along with follows from multiple accounts, and a shoutout.
2nd Place: a full-body sketch or a colored bust, along with follows and a shoutout.
1st Place: a full-colored piece or a realistic portrait of a photo you send, along with follows and shoutouts.

Tell me if you think that's good or I should change it.

Anyway, there's more info and an example in the project. Use the arrows on the keyboard or in the project or the space bar to advance.

Also, if I missed anything else, like obvious rules or something, please tell me. Plus, if you have any questions, the comments are the best place for those too. I feel like I'm pretty active, so I'll probably get back to you in 1 - 2 days.

I don't usually share art like this on this account, if you want to see some more in this kind of style, check out my not-study account, @MiIue.

And if you like this idea, please enter and share it with your friends!! I think it will be fun, I had lots of fun making the example.

Good luck!

xx Nera