anatomy ✶

Published 2021-02-01
Wow, the quality in this project is trash. I could probably fix but eh, good enough.

Anyway, sorry for not posting for a while. School is just taking up a lot of my time at the moment.

I thought it would be fun to do some random studies of different parts of the body. They all have at least three, just click on the colored section or the words and you be able to see the studies.

This project is completely mobile friendly (Yay!). I think I finally figured out the best way to do that xD So, once you're in the section with the actual studies, you can use space, the arrow keys, or your mouse to cycle through them. Fyi, there is only one image for the "nose" section. Then, you can click the back arrow to, you guessed it, go back to the home page with all the links to the different sections.

The title of this project is not great, so does anyone have a suggestion for something else I could call it? Preferably one word.

I did two kinds of studies: fake greyscale (like, monochromic ones), and just realistic?? Idk, tell me which kind is your favorite in the comments (I think I already know haha).

I tried to find as diverse of references as I could, but it's just sooo much easier to find good caucasian refs, especially because searching "eyes" or "nose" or literally anything into Pinterest just leaves you with a lot of pictures of white people. I swear, I really did try, though.

And I know I’m gonna get more criticism for the starting doodle than the actual studies, so I’ll just say it here: I know the hands are too big haha.

Also, this is like, the first time I've used clones for something like this and I'm so proud of myself because it makes sooo much more sense to do it that way xD

I didn't actually save the ref websites, unfortunately, just downloaded the images, so I can't put them here. All the refs are in the project though.

Happy February!

xx Nera