Sad Song - Lyric Video

Published 2021-01-20
I present to you... another animation/lyric project!!
Double click the flag for a better chance of it being timed correctly :P (I swear, it's timed properly, so if it isn't, then it lagged xd blame it on the lag)
Full screen lagssssssssss
For all those away from their friends and family due to quarantine....
Sad Song by We The Kings, ft. Elena Coats

#sad_song #sadsong #wethekings #we_the_kings #songs #song #lyrics #video #catherinepaopao #lyric_video #lyricvideo #quarantine2020 #quarantine #quarantine_2020 #coronavirus #corona #virus #covid19 #covid-19 #covid_19

Thanks to @catherinepaopao for the original project 'Sad Song - Lyric Video'.