plakatmakerx2 (@AwesomeGuy12321's contest entry)

Published 2020-12-22
I am so sorry for the long loading - there are simply so many options!

Asterisks are exclusive to the topic - whether or not a topic has an asterisk is not random!

Also, on some topic trees, the image set is chosen based on the subtopic you already chose before.

If you really want to see some of the unused topics come into play, let me know, but don't count on it coming to the game anytime soon.

Also, all the images are under creative commons, which is why some topic trees have completely awful pictures.

(Also yes before you screech your lungs out at me that topic [you know which] is a JOKE. Don't take it seriously.)

Also obviously Bonbon Cakery inspired grades and Undertale'll see.

#games #simulation #poster #satire #contest #contestentry #entry #poster #maker #postermaking #makeaposter #grade #all #images #pictures #combo #combos #combogame #weird #gabon #africa #egypt #kenya #uk #unitedkingdom #germany #japan #saudiarabia #joke #jokey #garbage #trash #qualitygarbagetm #choice #choices #choicegame #ruby #s #a #b #c #d #e #f #g #variable #variables #tags #tag #excessivetags #theresnosecretcodesodontbotherlooking #pixel #pixelart #moretags #backgroundcolor #ruby #bitmap #something #options #waterfishy #awesomeguy12321 #done #tier #rubbish