
Published 2020-12-05


        2 Year Celebration

   Wow, it's amazing having spent 2 years as
   here as Vectorii. 2 years ago I began design,
   the start to developing an amazing talent I
   have now. I thank scratch for the website
   which started it all, people who boosted me
   along the way. It's thanks to all my fans and
   friends that I have now over 1000 followers
   on this website. Thanks <3

   and I will be continuing Onward

   Thanks especially to:
   @-Locked- @Infinitscratch @-GreenCat-
   @Pinwheei @Minisun @Vexza @Cyanistic
   @Azux @Theonleapords @Kryptonium
   Also thanks to:
   @Hanzhe @Mazmythic @-llll- @-Ekmand-
   @-Archon- @ampara @Sunswift

   Thanks to my inspirations:
   @alphabetica @skyset @Annulus @Opiio
   @Equidas @furrypig @hedgehog_blue
   @Dekrache @Arcode @Vezto @Alchemyste
   @Haudio (@Vubi) @MetaLabs @Anoreo
   @Cubio @Albyno @Lighttz
   (hope i didn't miss anyone, sorry if i did)
   *also includes already mentioned names

   Yes, I am @PREVlA
   - a lot of you guessed it right, good job
   My previous account was @-PinPoint-
   (I'm also @VectorHex)

   I had really planned for some more stuff to
   celebrate but due to procrastination they
   didn't happen. They will still be in the works
   though, and due to a lot of free time (school
   has ended for me) they hopefully will be
   Planned Projects:
   • Landscape Design (will share soon)
   • Space Dash (sequel to Sky Dash)
   • Logo Design tutorial

  Since I've got time I will be sharing more
  designs regularly as well

   the design was made in < 2 hours (yesterday)
   this project was rushed
   I love procrastinating ✨

   Once again, Thanks <333