parle à ta tête . 4

Published 2021-01-02
AHA i am FINISHED (finallyyy)

so. wow. ohboy. this was really fun to work on (even the lipsync!!) until it came time to color, at which point i procrastinated on it by working on the christmas map part and all my overdue schoolwork!! and then after i finally got the color done

i had to save EACH FRAME OF THE LIPSYNC..... by hand (like select the layer, then the toolbar, then the file type, then what i'd like to do with said file, and then wait another 2.5 seconds while it like... scratches its behind and doesn't save my file D:) because procreate is possibly the world's worst animation program!! fun times, i know!! and then (also because of procreate's uselessness) i imported everything to firealpaca on my laptop and did the blue outline. (that bit only took like 15 minutes and i'm honestly really salty that i no longer draw on my computer because MAN everything would be so much easier..... T-T)

but yes after all that mess i'm actually really proud of this!! the movement isn't super crazy or anything but i like how it turned out and i'm super hyped to see the final map!! :D

#art #animation #ivypool #dovewing #warriors #warriorcats #cats #map #lipsync #absolutely #sucks #and #i #hate #it #help

|| old n&c ||
ohoho here's.... more wip stuff!! trying to get the timing right on this lipsync >:(((
i have almost all the other parts colored, i just haven't coded them yet oops

Uh so yeah there we go here’s my wip!! this is like my fourth try - i just Could Not for the life of me get the movement right ;;;_;;;

but yeah here it is!! lmk when you’ve seen it cause id like to unshare it :]