Rocket Answers 2 (10k Followers Special)

Published 2020-11-20
[Note: this entire thing is around 23 minutes long, so make sure you actually have time to listen to it]

Welcome to Rocket Answers 2, where I answer questions that you all asked me! Apologies if your question did not get answered, but there were WAY too many to do in one project.

Awesome cover art by @Polargaming64!

I recorded this around October 20th, but I got too lazy to edit it, so here it is super late XP

Press the space bar if you'd like to skip a question!

If you wanna check me out on YT, my name there is RocketDoesStuff!

Also, if you want to watch the first Rocket Answers, here it is, but I highly recommend you don't because AAAA MY OLD VOICE IS SO CRINGE: