|( ♥ Savage Love ♥ )| MEME

Published 2020-08-26
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ngl this song reminds me of middle aged women and their family dancing to this. you know the arm thing- like u put ur hand on ur chest then ur shoulder then in the air- LMAO IDK WTH

coding - @-Technowo- (haha ur amazing no denying it :D)
art - @Tanqerine (haha u suck no denying it :D)
animation - @-Technowo- (no srsly- U NEED MORE FOLLOWERS STAT-)

but like- Via the no neck bat returnssss ig. lmao
respect her invisible hand lol :D

whatever she's not even a big deal haha!!
She also has a crush on my other OC Ashton- you know the fox that has a teal splash of paint on his face? yeah it's him o-o

anyone else been listening to christmas music? just me? k. yeah i thought so- :'D