They Ignored Me #blm

Published 2022-03-12
#JusticeForGeorge #SayHisName #blm #blacklivesmatter #georgefloyd

A note for you to see:

I would like to discuss the comment section. I never said I hated all cops, nor did I say I wanted them gone. I'm just talking about those who abuse their power to hurt others. Many cops are good people who protect us, and it is a shame that some believe that because they are police, they can do anything and get away with it. Please respect my opinions. I respect yours too. And please respect other's as well. Do not get into fights, ok? When we all learn to respect one another, then we all are united a bit more. And for those who are just saying All Lives Matter, you are missing the point of this project. Yes, all lives do matter, we never said they didn't, but right now we are focusing on Black Lives. And about the protests and protesters, yes. Some protests are getting out of hand. But some truly are peaceful. I agree that some protesters are not doing the right thing by setting things on fire and such, but the media always chooses to show the bad riots, not the peaceful ones. I will not be deleting the comments who share their opinions on police and Black Lives Matter, (unless they are very mean sharing their opinions), because we should accept what others believe, even if we don't agree ourselves. I will be deleting hate comments though. Saying things like "sh#t up, all lives matter", or things like that, is NOT acceptable. Let's learn to listen and understand. Not ignore and hate. Also, when a black man gets k1ll5d, we focus on his past. When someone else does, we focus on their present/future.