Getting to Sleep (Mini-Project!)

Published 2020-05-12
Hey guys! It's been a little while, I've been having a super hard time. I don't really want to talk about it, it's mainly dysphoria and school and anxiety stuff. Just normal stuff, and it's a very hard time to be alive (and especially to be a teenager) right now!

So anyway, here's a small-ish project about how to get to sleep better. Please share your advice in the comments!

Use the arrow/AD keys, press the spacebar, or tap the screen to read.

Things have been going well on my new social media account!! It’s my first one and I just want to feel like I’m part of a fandom community. It’s just fun to make an account where you don’t feel like you have to post stuff, you know? Identity stuff sucks for me right now and being anonymous and creating my own image really helps with that. :) AND I DON’T KNOW IF I’VE TOLD ANY OF YOU BUT EVERY NIGHT I’VE DREAMT SINCE FIFTH GRADE MY DREAMS HAVE HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN. I LOVE PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN BUT I’M STARTING TO REALIZE THAT IT’S A PROBLEM.

ALSO CLONE WARS ENDED LAST WEEK. I’m gonna miss it so much :( the ending was awesome. I’m following Star Wars news now, ain’t that cool? xD

Art - @Leiiani
Coding - @Leiiani
Music - "Bags" by Clairo
Writing - @Leiiani
Text - Google Drive

I want to be Captain Sidon Ithano for Halloween!!!!! I hope that will make me feel better, working on a costume. I want to be a helmeted character but armor sucks so he's my best option! Also, he's a space pirate!! :D

I ship Captain Sidon Ithano with Captain Nathaniel Flint. Two gay alien pirates in cozy sweaters. A perfect match!