Bruno Is Orange- (┬┬﹏┬┬)

Published 2020-04-28
The Explanation/Story of this part of the project.
Okay, so there is a girl named Citrus, (if you get why she is named that, brownie points!) and she is in love with a guy named Bruno. That's the background of this story. What's happening is that Citrus is having a flashback of when Bruno and her are spending time together after school, (yes they're in high-school senior year!) and they write their names on the fresh paint on the street. Then the flashback ends, and you see a stick figure who is drowning in, what you can assume is blood. That person is Citrus. (okay she is NOT DROWNING IN BLOOD! and then she falls in a pit!but you should be able to realize now her life is terrible!) And also the pit signifies she is falling into depression. Okay below is something that spoils the whole song buuuuutttt, if you like this story then look!

-*********SPOILER ALERT FOR THE SONG!!*********-

Wow! You looked! Hello! So, this is the whole story, (at least how I made it.) So,Citrus, when she is 4, her mother, invites another family over. The other family has a son who is the same age as Citrus, so Citrus' mother and the other families mother arranges a marriage or in simple terms, ships them. Obviously, Citrus is not happy about this, because she will be forced to marry a stranger, but Citrus always listens to her mother after her father died because her Mother became more angry, fragile, and stuff that you should go figure out yourself. (Hint; In the original song her mother does something...). With Citrus having an arranged marriage, she can't have a boyfriend or like another boy. Anyways, at school, Claire meets a boy named Bruno. She likes him and he likes her back, and they confessed to each other. #loveATfirstSIGHT but her mom CANNOT find out about this or....stuff....might happen. Okay now this is the part that we saw in the flashback, and its Bruno and her spending time together after school, (yes they're in high-school senior year!) and they write their names on the fresh paint on the street. Okay, if you're like me then, well you're thinking, WHO IS THAT STUPID TO WRITE THEIR NAMES TOGETHER WHERE IT WILL BE PERMANENT! WHAT IF THE MOM COMES ALONG AND IS LIKE,
But...the mom finds out a different way which is not expected. At the beginning of the song we hear "Bruno,...what did you tell that MAN?!", and this is Citrus thinking while they are at a bar. Bruno said he was going to buy another drink and then Citrus saw him whisper something in the man's ear after talking to him for quite a bit.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------hoi i have not finished the notes and credits long story but i will soon! bah bye! .w.