
Published 2020-04-10

Name: Celtic,

Age: Null,

Gender: Male,

Species: Dream Construct of an unnamed species,

Residence: Current Residence Unknown,

Occupation: Current Occupation Unknown,

Owner: The Taskmaster (Former), The Husk,


Relationships: The Husk (master), Mycroft (strained, because she can't stop calling him Soapy),

Spouse: N/A,

Child(ren): N/A,

Father: N/A,

Mother: The Taskmaster (deceased),

Sibling(s): N/A,


Likes: Orderliness, a clean room, getting tasks done in a concise manner, music that is at least 100 years old, lace, chalk, chalkboards, chalk dust,

Dislikes: Tardiness, uncleanly environments, paperwork, piles of junk, procrastination, soap, his hands, new music, dark rooms, rooms with lamps, expired tickets,

Personality: Honestly, Celtic is really bland. Dream Constructs tend to start out that way, but Celtic just stays bland. He is, of course, diligent and productive, and detests procrastination with all his self. He has no sense of self worth whatsoever, and seems to view himself less as a 'being' and more as a 'thing', but that will probably wear off we they tend to start off like that. He finds no shame in begging or complaining, but if he does a job less than perfectly, he will mope about it for infinity, reminding himself of what he has done. Which is why he always puts himself fully into his work, cleaning and tidying and doing whatever She tells him to do without a second thought. He would be perfectly content doing one job for eternity, so if you give him a task, MAKE SURE TO GIVE IT SOME KIND OF END. Seriously.
Celtic can become paranoid if he does not have a task, though, as being unproductive terrifies him. However, he is not above the little pleasures of life, like stroking your coworker who appears to be some kind of floating mosquito-dog, or staring off at scenic scenery.
But he would prefer to be completing a task while doing those things.

Backstory: Celtic's story is an all-too common one: a Dream Construct can only last as long as the dreamer, after all. The moment he came into being, he vanished as his Admin, his God, passed through the Dark World, and on into death. Nothing returns to the nothingness.
But, Someone was watching this time. Someone powerful, Someone curious enough to pluck him from the nothingness he had been forced into. In gratitude, he pledged his allegiance to Her alone.
And that, that is all I know about him.