Bullet Heck [v1.0.9]

Published 2020-02-01
Credit to @Hamuniii (and -@BlueO- to a further extent) for the mobile joystick engine
Credit to @FUNUT for the "polishing buttons "(i guess i'll call it that) tutorial
Sounds made using sfxr
Title Screen & Gamemode Select:
A ruined Tidal Tempest Bad Fututre US midi
Main Theme: WIP
If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please put them in the comments section. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
Update Log:

v1.0.9: Major bug fixes (as in, game breaking ones). The game should be a bit more stable now.
Also updated some of the interface (including a more relaxed title screen aesthetic)
v1.0.8: Bug fixes, including an exploit where you could play an unplayable verison of 2 player mode, alongside a few minor changes with the interface, and a separate time for 2 player mode.
v1.0.7: More bug fixes and spice of life changes.
v1.0.6: Bug fixes, including an accurate timer
v1.0.5: more sound effects for the menu + more bug fixes
v1.0.4: Speaking of mobiles, the controls are now marginally better, i guess. More info in the controls section.
v1.0.3: The attacks now scale with difficulty properly, plus an updated, more mobile-friendly UI
v1.0.2: Updated music
v1.0.1: Bug fixes and a new title screen aesthetic
v1.0.0: Game Release
Unfortunately updates will come out less frequently due to how everything's changed thanks to COVID-19. Stay safe.

More updates may bring:
-More attacks
-More gamemodes?
-Extra polish
-More stuff?
-Viewer suggestions
