Traditional Art Dump

Published 2019-08-10
Figured I should share this. It's all the art I made freshman year. Right to move back into my art and see it get progressively worse, left arrow to see it get progressively better.

Art is all by me. You may see random comments and other red ink especially in the earlier drawings from my art teacher.
In order or newest to oldest:
- Flower vase pastel (did really get to finish the flower but oh well)
- Sunglasses Ghost pastel
- Robert The Giant Mine Reading Space Llama pastel (very lazy but it works)
- Plant pastel (forgot the background at first)
- Shrek collage
- Sunny von Sunglassesface (that was the title at my school's art show)
- Globey McGlobeface (also the actual title at my school's art show)
- Human and Dead Human (was a Secret Santa gift on another site that accidentally became my art midterm)
- Charcol Totoro
- BirdTrike (unfinished) (I kinda abandoned it) (oh well)
- The original ghost thing (was a t-shirt over a pyramid with some sunglasses on it that looked cool)
- I don't know what to call this but it was two pocket Irish dictionaries and a mouth shaped harmonica with some weird lighting that I never finished
- The original plant thing
- It was a hat handing from my lamp because I really wanted to draw my hat but I don't like how it turned out.
- Original flower vase
- Some grapes on a timer
- A weirdly lighted my little pony figurine
- It was a perfume bottle on top of a metal cube
- Banana on top of a t-shirt on top of a wine glass
- Tissues and mug
- T-shirt on a hangar
- Wine glass
- Chess pieces
- More chess pieces (the art is starting to get really bad now)
- Mug and muffin
- Jar
- Cup and saucer
Music is all by John Denver.
- I'm Sorry
- Looking For Space
- Fly Away
- Farewell Andromeda (Welcome to My Morning)
- Some Days are Diamonds
- Sweet Surrender
- The Cowboy and The Lady.