BrainFart v1.35

Published 2023-09-18
BrainFart is a Scratch-based interpreter of BrainF*, a simplistic esoteric programming language made by Urban Müller. I sadly can't even give the wikipedia article of this wonderful language due to vulgarity, but a search for Mr. Müller should give you the results you need. The language is notable for containing only eight commands, yet still being Turing-complete, known as a Turing-tarpit. As such, any language that can program a fully functional BF interpreter is also turing complete. This isn't a perfect version by any means, but it works okay. There are many programs to make but you'll need to program those yourself. :) Also, to make programs run much faster, turn on turbo-mode by shift-clicking the green flag!

* Release version
+ Added +
+ Added -
+ Added >
+ Added <
+ Added . functionality
+ Added , functionality
+ Added [ functionality
+ Added ] functionality
* Allows comments
+ Added basic code editing buttons
+ Added more characters to .
+ Added more characters to ,
* Work on nested []
+ Finished [] loops (hopefully)
+ Added # for debugging
+ Added all integers to ,
+ Added more characters to .
+ Added Code Snippets under the < button
+ Added helloworld, printtest, moveleft, moveright, and cat snippets
* Working on improved ,
* Not implemented, but will support using whole strings instead of single characters, and will allow the cat program to fully work
* Made Changelog look nicer
* Buttons not reset positions and are aligned properly
* Made lists not overlap with themselves and buttons so much
+ Added Loads More Capital Letters For The . Command
- Not actually a big update
(Last modified: 26 Aug 2014)