Who Broke It?

Published 2018-08-12
Note: This isn't canon in my animation universe, as most of these characters have never met. All of my old characters haven't met my new ones, and Thunder doesn't know anyone here XD. At least, that is, for now... :O :P

-@TheGamingKitten for the original project
-Google Images for the coffee machine
-Google Docs for the Bangers font
-Sonic Forces for their Avatar making system (which I used to create Thunder's original design; however, this vector version is by me)

-Having all of my main OCs in one project was so fun XP
-I saw lots of people remix @TheGamingKitten's project with their OCs, and I decided to join the club :P. However, the original is just a slideshow of pictures, so I decided to give it a unique twist and fully animate it. I think the results turned out pretty good :)
-This animation really tested my new lip sync engine for The Juke Box (which kinda sorta hasn't been worked on at all XD), and I think it looks pretty smooth. Some parts are better than others, but overall it works :P
-Unlike most of my animations, which I get an idea for and quickly put together in a week, this animation was actually pretty spread out production wise; I made little bits and pieces of it for around a month. So, if you see quality change here to there, that's why (it shouldn't though) XD

Top loved on August 16th, 2018! Thank you so much, you all are awesome *gives you all awesomeness trophies* XD
Top remixed on August 20th, 2018!
!000+ loves! This is my first animation to hit this milestone, thank you so much! :D