Origami Bulldog Bookmark

Published 2018-07-18
Happy first week of Scratch Camp everyone! If you haven't already, please join! It's super fun!
Headquarters: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5210238/
Art week: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5209414/
You will need a square piece of paper.
Press space to move forward, press "r" to repeat a step.
I've been doing origami for 3 years now and have learned a lot of things to make. My favorite thing is any animal. Cranes, swans, monkeys, bunnies, mice, cats, and yup, dogs! It was pretty hard to choose which one to make as a tutorial for scratch camp, but the bulldog was the one I thought was easiest and most interesting.
I apologize if anything is confusing, please ask questions if you are confused!
Thanks to:
✩ Cookie Monster and Carly Rae Jepsen for the Music
✩ Whoever designed the origami
✩ Sandy, my origami teacher who taught me this
✩ @ExperienceSea for her origami tutorial that inspired the animation
✩ Scratch for scratch camp
✩ @thefrenchpeople for making being a scratch camp counselor SO much easier by answering comments
✩ My parents for letting me stay up late to finish this
✩ @RedPandasAreAwesome for taking the video
✩ Me for pretty much everything else
✩ You for viewing this!