Her Last Words remix

Published 2018-07-16
I have been SUPER down... this is sort of a vent??? Just... um... yea. Sooooo What up guys. who do you ship all over the world... (Not real people)... a shipping war is in place... this is about me and having an abusive mom ( I DON'T LIVE WITH HER ANYMORE) and a divorce. And Them god d*m Bullies... my life has come to an end for this bully and ... I AM NOT KILLING MY SELF!!! But I am tired of getting called names, defending, and getting in trouble. It sucks... I DON'T CARE ABOUT SPELLING. I hope you are nice in the comments. This is HUGE for me. I have never done this... Don't make fun of me plz... My life sucks no one ever cared. I try to tell people but they just past bye it. So THE STORY OF MY LIFE (SO FAR)... If ANYONE makes you feel like this then... go tell someone. Plz. *Needs a hug*