Fantasize | Meme

Published 2018-01-07
usually i share my projects during the daytime so people can see them but at this point i really don't care i just waNT TO SHARE THIS ALREADY O K

I've been working on this for ages asdbhvfudyvge
But I'm really proud of this, so yeah

There's some random part in the project where it's just blank and nothing happens for about 3 seconds,
That's because I had to split the music in two parts to finish this faster and make things more easily but I forgot to finish part 1 before working part 2 and by the time I realised it was kinda already too late

I also cut off the rest of the music and faded it out because I didn't want to make it too long and it would take ages and it would make the project laggy and

Heavily inspired by this:
It's literally the greatest animation meme i've watched