Proto | A Virtual Robot | V.1

Published 2017-07-12
Thanks to @Mathaino for the Intro!!! He is great scratcher, go check him out and give him a follow!

7/13/17 WILL_WAM SAW AND COMMENTED ON THE PROJECT!!! WOO HOO!!, Cloud Cookies Added/High Score Added

7/13/17 App Shortcuts added, Story Command Added


ART %100 MADE BY ME (Including logo)

Credit to @game_pr0grammer for the mechanical clock. (Varibles are made by me)

SUPER Special Thanks to @AATPicchu for calculator code.

NOTE: If the code inside this project looks like yours, It must be a coincidence. It happens all the time with other scratchers, Trust me.


TheFatRat - Unity

Imagine Dragons - Radioactive

TomSka, Roomie - It's Muffin Time!

This projects idea is 100% original.

If you want to use any of the assets from this project please credit the following:

@Syncronisum , @game_pr0grammer and @ATTPicchu

Please like, favorite and suggest to be featured

Build Time: 2 months & 1 week