Extreme Christmas Ninja Parkour!

Published 2013-12-25

Everyone, check out Monster Mines, an epic Rogue-Like, dungeon crawler, RPG!! Made by @d34db33f

The Jingle Bells Dubstep BGM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNH-m2Uy6DA

Play this game on my website and see the difference! Especially if you have problems like unresponsive controls or lag.
(The performance on my page is faster because there are less items on the page)

My personal record time is 37.819

Yes. Our good old Saint Nick is a ninja, how do you think he gets into your houses and sneaks in the gifts without anyone realising?

Oh, ho, ho, this game is definitely possible to beat!

Just a little Christmas project to greet the holiday, people complained about the lack of scrolling in my last Extreme Ninja Parkour game, so I made this scrolling, as you can see the Ninja Platforming engine doesn't work to well in scrolling. I don't know how I can improve it to work with scrolling to be honest, so any bugs you encounter probably won't be fixable. People also complained about the lack of challenge, so this one is extra challenging, it's the shortest game of the series but you'll probably take the longest as it's pretty difficult, precision ninja skills required.

Just updated my website, check it out!!

Thanks for your continued support!