Eternal Apprentice // Chapter 62

Published 2024-08-19
Redpaw when someone does the bare minimum:
:0 <3

As a non disabled person, I’m trying to figure out the line between making a character’s disability a part of their character, without making it the entirety of their character. I’m not an expert at this by any means. I worry I might’ve leaned into Redpaw’s albinism too much here, since it came up in two different ways (or three if we count Salmonpaw mentioning how she can’t see very well while looking through their eyes), which translates to the majority of the chapter. But them having albinism hasn’t really been talked about at all before, so hopefully it’s fine?

As a side note, characters going into another person’s memories to see a flashback and then seeing it from a third person has always bothered me. If you’re in their memories, you should be seeing it how you would see your own memories; through the eyes of the person whose brain you’re in.
In EA lore, seeing someone else’s memories means being brought along for the ride in their head basically. Salmonpaw feels like she is Redpaw in this moment. She is experiencing the scene exactly as Redpaw did, also meaning she has no power of movement over Redeye’s body, as she’s stuck with only the movements Redeye did then.