2.5k DMC | OPEN

Published 2024-06-16
music - Theme of Love (from Final Fantasy IV) - Nobuo Uematsu (distant worlds ver.)

Character bios - (! warning it's long!)
*note: more backstory is contained in ridiculous comment chains down below

Lysathae Avis Saeyan
178cm | 1214(yrs old.) | Nov. 12th | Male

Decurius of Lysathae, Saeyan. As the lord of the state of Lysathae, he's considered the most powerful man in Merinius, greater than even the emperor. He's also considered the strongest mage in the world.

He's an effeminate beauty, with a delicate-looking face and glossy white curls, considered extremely good-looking and oft praised as one of the most beautiful people of the entire empire. His pupils are white, and it often sets people off. He dresses effeminately, too. despite that, his personality is really boyish. He sometimes seems immature and sometimes seems mature. He almost always smiles, but it's still usually not that hard to read his mood.

His magic is light magic. he usually fights with his spear, formed out of his magic, preferring melee combat despite being a mage. He likes to fight people. When he gets serious and releases his full power, a crown appears above his head. He can also just use his magic as-is. Light magic is inherently destructive and destroys everything it touches.

Over the past hundred years, his mental state has really begun to decline. He's grappled with varying levels of mental issues since he was a kid (some that got him sealed for 1000 years at age 32) and has never been particularly good at dealing with them, preferring the ignore tactic until he really can't deal with them. He's grown a lot more mature since he was young, however, and is fairly stable nowadays.

fun fact: he likes chocolate (a lot)

Solemita Isidore
179cm | age 22 | Male

Losing everything after a freak fire burned his village, a semirural village in Lysathae territory to ash, including a family that he hated but never got the chance to say "sorry" to, he accepted the power of a god to take revenge on everything. He heads the organization that destroyed his hometown, as he killed his way to the top because they created his misfortune to use him as a tool.

that being said, he grappled with mental health issues for many years before the incident, so his worldview is pretty sadistic. His mood is unstable, and the smallest triggers can make him extremely happy or angry or make him cry. He's extremely immature, and self-aware of it. He occasionally engages in self-harm.

His magic is extremely powerful, if slightly unstable due to the nature of how quickly he acquired it. It's darkness, which actually inherently isn't very destructive and is weak against physical objects. However, it nullifies magic, making him basically immune to any magic attacks. Its magic-dispersion properties also have detrimental effects on living creatures, and he can kill weak things with it by dispersing their magic. Due to its weak physical destructive capabilties, he uses two sabers in combat.

He wears his sabers on his hips. He used to look fairly unassuming and despite his gained magic, his features haven't changed. However, he stands out more now given his edgy/gaudy choice in armor and hairstyle. (If he leaves his hair alone, it becomes spiky, and it's more prominent now that he basically has a mullet.)

fun fact: he likes ya fiction novels (he has not mentally aged a day past 16.)

*note: I draw him with a neutral expression a lot, because I'm bad at drawing expressions, but he's typically very expressive. His expression will usually be neutrality, rage, despair, bliss, or laughing out of torment.

relationship wise:
Saeyan pities Isidore. They aren't close, as they're theoretically on opposing sides, but he sees himself in Isidore and thus can't bring himself to fully hate him.

Isidore hates, admires, and wants to be friends with Saeyan. He's the epitome of many things Isidore hates and loves, money, power, and beauty being just some of them. Somehow, he felt that Saeyan could understand him, and it has driven a pursuit of Saeyan.

Sometimes when they run into each other, they fight. Other times, they have a conversation. The goal of Isidore's organization is to destroy the current social order, but that's not Isidore's goal. He doesn't know what he want to do at all. So technically, they're on opposite sides, but Isidore doesn't always feel like fighting Saeyan. Saeyan never feels like fighting Isidore despite the fact he loves fighting.

Saeyan particularly has way more backstory than this so feel free to inquire if curious

*personal note: I think part of this is pretty obvious but I drew them to be obvious contrasts to each other, like opposites, but story-wise especially, I'd say I draw a parallel between them since they mirror each other in a lot of ways