Maze Engine 0.1

Published 2023-06-12

What is it?

It's not a game, but rather a framework for a specific genre of games ala Pac-Man and Burgertime. It's a complete skeleton framework with all of the basic functionality to create these types of games.


Planned features for future revisions:

I don't want to add too much more than that to it. It's intended to be small and then built upon on a case-by-case basis.

Known issues (updated Mar 8, 2016):

Can it easily support 8-direction movement, or is it just for mazes/corridors?

Yes, it can easily support 8-direction movement. Go to line 50, and change:


This will allow 8-direction movement for the player, and the AI supports it out of the box already. Be aware that enabling 8-direction movement in a corridor-based maze map such as the example provided, will sometimes cause players to move diagonally at intersections if they are holding down multiple directional buttons. The behavior feels weird in these types of games, so I have it set for 4-directions by default, but 8-direction would work well for roguelikes or Zelda-inspired adventure games.

What do I put for the CC-BY attribution if I use this in my game?

Just credit @clowerweb (my Twitter handle) as a programmer or something similar.

If you like the engine, or find any bugs or can help to reduce the token count or optimize performance, I'd love any and all input. I just started this project today and have no prior experience with Lua, so please forgive any herpyderpies. I hope to see some people make some great games with this!

Update March 9th: Reduced the token count from ~730 to ~690. No other major changes.