Killer Become

Published 2021-01-23

I've been making this game over the last week and decided to release it for Pixel Day 2021. The original idea was a fighting game with the technical limitations of the NES, but I quickly overcame those limitations because I felt it was necessary for gameplay and visual readability. This is the first game I've ever made and I'm really excited to show it off.

If the game screen is too big for your browser press F11 to make your browser fullscreen or ctrl+mousewheel till it's a good size for you


This game currently is LOCAL MULTIPLAYER ONLY. That means if you want to play multiplayer online, use Parsec or a similar program. I also recommend joining the Discord to find people to play with, keep up with updates, download executable releases, etc: Killer Become Discord

You can also follow my twitter for updates @Gugura_NG



Square (PS4)/X (Xbox)/Y (Switch) for attack

Cross (PS4)/A (Xbox)/B (Switch) for jump

Triggers/bumpers for block

Down on dpad or left stick for crouching

Up on dpad or left stick for looking up

Left & right on dpad or left stick for... yup, moving left and right

Share (PS4)/Back (Xbox)/Minus (Switch) for select (use this to navigate stage select and the main menu)

Options (PS4)/Start (Xbox)/Plus (Switch) for start (use this to pick options selected with the select button)


F for attack

Space for jump

Q for block

1 and 2 for select and start


K for attack

J for jump

P for block


There is a full game manual available in the Discord. I can't upload it here because it's over 10 images, but it's there if you want a basic understanding of the mechanics. I recommend looking at it.

Things I plan on adding in the future:

-Singleplayer story gamemode

-Singleplayer arcade gamemode


-More characters (for a total of six)

-More stages

-More moves

-Guard break


-Special input moves (a la dragon punch)

-Alternate character palettes

-Special character interactions (pre-fight banter, character-specific win-quotes, etc)

I simply wasn't able to finish all of these before the Pixel Day deadline, so I cleaned up a bit and released it as-is.

Special thanks to @WooDeeWoo for the character select screen portraits!

I hope you find some enjoyment out of my game :)

I really appreciate feedback as this is the first game I've ever made and I want to know what things people like and what things people dislike about it so I can make the full release better.