Save Christmas Game

Published 2011-12-25

Lets sum up whats been going on:
1) because of Newgrounds resolution users couldn't play the game
2) because of a weird TGF bug it would just show a black screen instead of the intro
3) replacing the intro with a different frame causes the sound samples to get SWAPPED. so the background music becomes a voice sample and if you hit the boss it will play the background music (all ive changed was go to frame 4 instead of go to frame 3)

This file is completly BUGGERED and there is seriously NOTHING I could do about this / I did to cause this. I am sorry and frustrated about this but I hope you can somehow laugh about this awful glitch fest. Merry Glitchmess

This is a little game I've created in The Games Factory 2 Newgrounds Edition. The evil Halloween Spirit is sick of the happiness Christmas brings to people so he wants to destroy Christmas once and for all.
Controls: Arrow Keys / Enter to start the game
X to shoot

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you enjoy this little game.