Daxolissian System: Quad

Published 2022-06-29

Now updated with cloud save support! Play on any computer while you're logged into your NewGrounds account, and your progress will be loaded if you log in and play on any other computer.

Game devs: If you want to use the Gamepad Mapper to support gamepads in your own game, feel free! Check the author comments on the Gamepad Mapper's page for demos, instructions, and source code on how to implement the mapper in Unity, Godot, HaxeFlixel, or pure JavaScript. A nice feature is that if a player runs the gamepad mapper for ANY game on NewGrounds, then EVERY game on NewGrounds can read the configuration data so players won't have to go through the configuration process again for each new game. And if you write an implementation for another game engine like GameMaker Studio or Construct or anything, let me know and I'll link you up in the gamepad mapper's author comments.

Players: If there's any lag try playing in window instead of fullscreen.

The controls are complicated so in case you forget

Gamepad controls


Keyboard (WASD) & mouse controls

Move: WASD

Jump: Space

Camera angle: Mouse movement

Change camera zoom: Mouse wheel

Toggle first person / third person camera: C

Fire guns: Left mouse button

Fire missiles: Right mouse button

Change target: Q

Pause: P

Toggle command mode: E

Select quad: R

Command to move: Z

Command to follow: X

Take control of selected quad: F

Restart level: U

Keyboard (Numpad) & mouse controls

Move: Numpad 8462

Jump: Numpad 0

Camera angle: Mouse movement

Change camera zoom: Mouse wheel

Toggle first person / third person camera: Numpad .

Fire guns: Left mouse button

Fire missiles: Right mouse button

Change target: Numpad +

Pause: P

Toggle command mode: Numpad 7

Select quad: Numpad 9

Command to move: Numpad 1

Command to follow: Numpad 3

Take control of selected quad: Numpad 5

Restart level: U