Sheep It Up!

Published 2018-03-26

Sheep It Up! is an arcade game where a sheep has to climb up by hanging himself to flying velcro straps. The concept is simple, but the game rapidly gets quite challenging: how high can you climb without falling down?

-= Keyboard Controls =-

*Move Left*: Left Arrow / A / Q
*Move Right*: Right Arrow / D
*Jump*: press any other key
*Pause*: Enter
*Mute music*: Right Shift

-= Mouse / Touch controls =-

*Jump*: Left Click / Touch anywhere on the screen
*Move Left*: move the mouse to the left while holding left click / Move your finger to the left while holding it pressed on touch screen (i.e. right after a "jump")
*Move Right*: move the mouse to the right while holding left click / Move your finger to the right while holding it pressed on touch screen (i.e. right after a "jump")

-= About =-​

This is an actual Game Boy game, playable on any model of the console: from the original Game Boy to the Game Boy Advance SP including the Game Boy Pocket, the Game Boy Color, the Super Game Boy and the Game Boy Player! Of course the game will also run in any Game Boy emulator program. To play it on a emulator, you can download the ROM file of the game here​​:

If you want to play it on an actual Game Boy, you can buy a Sheep It Up! cartridge​ for a mere 15$ (+shipping). The game cartridges are made with newly manufactured parts, and are assembled by hand:

Last but not least, you can also enjoy the game here using an online emulator programmed in Javascript: the GameBoy Online emulator​ by Grant Galitz​