The humans are dead.

Published 2011-08-25

The song is "the humans are dead" by Flight of the Conchords.

Edit: Apparently it's called "robots" and not "the humans are dead", oh well.

I love the song and wanted to animate it since the first time I listened to it, actually it was a friend of mine who showed me and said "this would make a good animation", and I agreed instantly.

I've put honest effort into the animation, I believe it is decent, also, I'm making music videos for practice, as I want to get better before working on my actual scripts. This one was more like a speed practice, and I'm happy with the results.

I think after this one I'm ready for my "actual projects"... So I'm going to start them immediately!

Thank you all! <3

Oh, and here's my deviantart: (It's pretty lame)

Edit: Thanks for the frontpage!