Tetris Unleashed 3 Prvw.

Published 2007-01-29

This is just a preview for my upcoming flash, Tetris Unleashed 3. At the speed TU3 is going, I realized it wont be out for awhile, so I made this to raise awareness of it. This is more of a Teaser, seeing as it has a bunch of random things flashing by, so don't draw to much of the plot out of this little preview. Enjoy! (Oh, and be sure to leave a review, I always respond!)

© Jimtopia 2006

Note: This is an updated version of the original preview, I fixed A LOT of quirks I noticed in the last one, here they are:
-Runs Smoother
-Replay Button
-Button Loading Screens
-More Active Characters in the Characters Section

Anyway, Enjoy! :D

© Jimtopia 2007