The Ending Of Attack On Titan Is Terrible, And I've Wasted My Life

Published 2023-06-12
It's crazy how it takes one short conversation to make armin go from risking his life to prevent genocide to supporting it. In the manga he literally thanks eren for the rumbling. If Armin wants an empty planet so badly that he's willing to go to hell for it, then why is he even trying to stop the rumbling in the first place? Edit: People in the comments are pointing out that an alternative interpretation is that Armin didn't want the rumbling to occur and is taking responsibility because he thinks it's his fault for showing Eren his book and for helping Eren in some battles. I still think this interpretation is stupid. If Armin didn't help Eren at Marley then all the Eldians would have died when Marley obtained the founder. That's why he helped. He didn't know that Eren would go on to become a mass murderer. He has little reason to blame himself, which is why I think Armin is saying he will go to hell with Eren not because he blames himself, but because deep down he wants the Earth to be empty as he states in the finale. Of course nothing is clear and everything is open to interpretation, but I think all interpretations are stupid. ----------------------------- Also, if Eren can time travel to control titans like the one that killed his mom, then wasnt Eren invincible the entire series? What are the limits to time travel titan control? People defend Ymir by saying she has Stockholm syndrome, and if that's true it's the worst depiction of Stockholm syndrome I've ever seen. In order for Stockholm syndrome to appear the captor has to have some redeemable qualities and be shown to care or be nice to the person they captured. Fritz is never shown to have a single redeemable quality, so I don't believe that Ymir can love him. Here's a good video from a psych major explaining why Ymir Stockholm syndrome doesn't make sense.