Christmas Eve's 16mm Stag Film D. D. Teoli Jr. A. C.

Published 2024-08-06

In 2019 Tumblr deleted all 48 of my websites.
In 2020, the Internet Archive shut down this account you are looking at...then it was restored...but only by chance.
In 2012 Flickr deleted my account.
In 2014 Wiki Commons deleted all my contributions.
In 2018 LinkedIn deleted my account
... same thing with YouTube, Vimeo, PetaPixel and an on and on and on.
Here is the deal...
Don't be like some of the small-minded curators I deal with. They will refuse an acquisition because they say it is 'already on the internet.' You can see how far 'it is on the internet' goes. It is not a case of the old adage 'here today, gone tomorrow.' In this day and age it can be a case of 'here today...gone today'. 
Whether it is my Archive or something else you see on the internet...if you find it useful...archive it! Put it on M-Disc or laser engraved quartz. Those are the only methods of archival preservation for digital material.
Christmas Eve's is a NSFW 16mm 'arts student' vintage nudie cutie film about 4 pretty gals waking up on Christmas morning and unwrapping their gifts. The film is a scratched up, worn out and badly warped, multi-generation dupe suffering from vinegar syndrome with lots of breaks, splices and blown sprockets. Most of the shadow and highlight detail are gone. Still, it is a most welcome and rare time capsule from a bygone era.
The films for art students or graphic art students were labeled as such to bypass censorship laws. The film stock code dates it at either 1928 or 1948. But neither date is necessarily what it could be. The film is a dupe and it could have been produced in a different year and duped in the year dated on the film stock.
In the movie it shows Christmas on the calendar near the bed falling on a Monday. In 1928 Christmas was on a Tuesday. In 1948 Christmas was on a Saturday. Just no telling when the film was made. The book Dirty Movies: An illustrated History of the Stag Film 1915-1970 Di Lauro & Rabkin 1976 has no listing for the film.
The film originated from a stag film librarian's collection. Back in the day, many men's fraternal organizations and lodges maintained a library of stag films for their members to view on stag night festivities. They also had stag librarians that were similar to the 'D.J.s' we have now. They would rent out their film collection and they services as a projectionist to college fraternities and bachelor parties. 
Note: Slow connections must download to view.
Contributed to the Internet Archive in Honor of Hoyte van Hoytema & Akira Kurosawa
On another topic...
Do you have an interest in cine' film preservation?
The Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Small Gauge Film Archive has a collection of thousands of reels measuring in the millions of feet of film. It is mostly 16mm, with some 8mm. While I have silent scanning equipment, sound 16mm scanners are out of my reach due to cost. 
If you have an interest in investing in vintage film preservation and would like to contribute part or all of a scanner to the Archive, please contact me. I'm not looking for nickel and dime contributions. I tried that with Kickstarter, but they refused to run it. 
I run 'The Peoples' Archive' and all the material I offer is open content...aka free. All the work I do is generally self-funded. Consequently, when I speak of investing, your return on investment is love for the preservation of history, which is the same payment I get for my work.
Daniel D. Teoli Jr. Archival CollectionDaniel D. Teoli Jr. Small Gauge Film ArchiveDaniel D. Teoli Jr. Advertising ArchiveDaniel D. Teoli Jr. VHS Video ArchiveDaniel D. Teoli Jr. Popular Culture ArchiveDaniel D. Teoli Jr. Audio ArchiveDaniel D. Teoli Jr. Social Documentary Photography